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Hospitality industry after Covid-19 expects long and slow recovery

Hospitality industry after Covid-19 expects long and slow recovery

The travel and tourism industry contributes 3 to 3,5 percent of the global GDP. If we also count related industries, the total contribution of tourism to the global GDP nears ten percent. The entire part of the global economy was hit hard with the coronavirus pandemics. As the economies were locked down, the revenue declined by more than 90 percent. Now the economies reopen, it may be estimated the hospitality industry would recover. According to the Alpho analysts, it will very likely take a long time.

Stocks of global leaders like Brands like Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide, InterContinental Hotels Group, Best Western, and so on, fell mostly by 50 to 60 percent between the mid of February and March.

Since then the stocks have not fully recovered. The market price developed for several weeks close to the levels of 2016 or 2017. They reached mostly 70 to 80 percent of the mid-February levels, and they are being traded on those levels until today. It is estimated that in most European countries it would be possible to travel across the border so we can expect that the hospitality industry revenues are about to rebound during the following three months (July to September).

But there would be still one hit segment of the hospitality industry which is conference tourism. For example, Marriott International CEO Arne Sorenson expects the full recovery may not be coming before the end of 2021. What’s coming back first are the domestic travelers who are haltingly returning to leisure travel, particularly at drive-to destinations, „guests who join us via the nostalgic road trip. This will be followed by domestic air travel, then international air travel, and, finally, by group travel,“ Mr. Sorenson said.

There is still a risk of the outbreak of the second wave of the pandemics, however, the experts believe there would not be necessary to lock down the entire countries like during the first wave. Alpho analyzed the industry recovery after the 2008-2009 recession to learn that it took three years in order to start accelerating, and about seven years in order to reach the number of transactions of the pre-crisis level.

We can also expect that countries which rely on tourism crucially would accept measures to attract the client from abroad. Especially in Mediterranean countries. It is also very likely that tourists would prefer countries with a relatively low number of Covid-19 cases so the risk of infection is also very low.